There are a number of opportunities to fund environment and agricultural projects in Ireland. These range from smaller grants to support small projects in local communities to multi-million euro initiatives involving many stakeholders. Below is a selection of these funding opportunities that communities can avail of.

Natura Communities Seed Fund
LIFE IP Wild Atlantic Nature is launching a local communities support grant known as the Natura Communities Seed Fund. The aim of the fund is to assist communities in the project target areas in mobilising complementary funding for projects broadly related to conservation and restoration of blanket bog Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and their associated habitats.
Click here for more information and the full set of terms and conditions.

Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme
This is a competitive fund which is administered by the Peatland Conservation Unit of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. This Scheme seeks to encourage local peatland communities, groups, schools and other interested parties to play a part in the conservation and revitalisation of raised and blanket bogs, particularly protected bogs and fens, and to promote public engagement with and awareness of our natural heritage and environment.
More information here on the NPWS’ Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme website.

Community Water Development Fund
The Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage funds the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) to provide the Community Water Development Fund. This fund supports local community groups to enhance the quality of local streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. The fund has been in place since 2017, with growing interest year on year.
More information is available on the LAWaters website.

European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development
EU countries implement national and regional rural development programmes (RDPs), which are co-financed by the European Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and national budgets. From 2023 onwards, all new rural development actions will be incorporated into national Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strategic plans. Each national plan will be built around key social, environmental and economic objectives for EU agriculture, forestry, and rural areas.
More information is available on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development website.

Climate Action Fund
The Climate Action Fund (CAF) was established to provide assistance and financial support to projects which will help Ireland achieve its climate and energy targets. The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is responsible for the Fund’s implementation. The Fund will allow for the development of innovative initiatives which, without this support, may not otherwise be possible to accomplish.
More information is available on the website.

Community Environment Action Fund
The Community Environment Action Fund (previously Local Agenda 21) promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level. The Fund is co-ordinated by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) and is administered by local authorities.

LEADER Programme
Administered by 29 Local Action Groups at a local level, the programme accepts applications for funding based on projects which improve rural tourism, enterprise development, broadband, basic services targeted at hard-to-reach communities, rural youth, protection and sustainable use of water resources, local biodiversity and renewable energy.
Contact details for your Local Action Groups are listed on the website.

European Innovation Partnerships
The EIP-AGRI Projects in Ireland are funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine (DAFM) to tackle current challenges in farming landscapes. Applications are favoured from groups coming together to develop new ways of approaching problems, opportunities or challenges, particularly but not exclusively environmental or climate related, and which offer a novel way forward, perhaps with wider application.
For more information about the European Innovation Partnership scheme and for more information about other Irish EIP projects visit the following links below –
The Natural Rural Network and The European Commission Website.
More Information on the EIPs is also on the The European Commission Website

LIFE Programme
The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding stream dedicated to the environment and climate action. LIFE funds projects that address issues within its four sub-programmes: nature and biodiversity, circular economy and quality of life, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and clean energy transition.
Visit for more information on the LIFE Programme.
General information about the LIFE programme here: European Commission LIFE Programme Site.

Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation. The aim of the programme is to tackle climate change, help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boost the EU’s competitiveness and growth. The programme is built around three main pillars – excellent science, global challenges and industrial competitiveness, and innovative Europe.
For more information about Horizon Europe and Ireland check out the dedicated Horizon Europe Website.
More information is also on the European Commission Website.

Biodiversa+ is the European Biodiversity Partnership supporting excellent research on biodiversity with an impact for society and policy. It was jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and will contribute to the ambition that “by 2030, nature in Europe is back on a path of recovery, and that by 2050 people are living in harmony with Nature”.
More information about Biodiversa+ can be found on the Biodiversa+ Website.

Shared Island Initiative
Underpinned by the Good Friday Agreement, the aims of the Shared Island Initiative are to enhance cooperation, connection and mutual understanding on the island of Ireland and to engage with all communities and traditions in building a consensus around a shared future. A number of projects are the focus of a More Sustainable Island including the: Shared Island Community Climate Action Programme, supporting communities and Local Authorities to work on a cross-border basis to deliver actions for climate and energy targets; and delivery of Peatland Restoration to build capacity for long-term peatland management that will reduce carbon emissions, building capacity and increase knowledge exchange.
More information is on the website.

PEACEPLUS is an EU funding Programme that has been designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland the border counties of Ireland. It is built on the work of the previous PEACE and INTERREG Programmes. The Programme aims to address longstanding social and economic challenges which have and continue to impact communities in the target area. It includes a focus on peacebuilding activity and also on how the actions taken can contribute in positive ways to building the economy and increasing prosperity, as well as helping to adjust to new challenges.
For a summary document on the programme please see the following link: PEACEPLUS Programme Overview (PDF).
General information about PEACEPLUS can be found on the Special EU Programmes Body Website.

The Heritage Council
The Heritage Council supports a wide range of heritage projects throughout the country through an annual grants programme. Examples of two of such supports suitable for community organisations are the Heritage Organisation Support Fund and Community Heritage Grant Scheme. The Organisation Support Fund provides funding towards the core costs of not-for-profit non-governmental organisations working in the heritage sector in Ireland. The Community Heritage Grant is for community/voluntary and not-for-profit organisations nationwide to apply for funding for heritage projects.
You can find some information on previously funded projects through the various grants schemes on the Heritate Council Projects Page.
Details on current schemes can be found on the Heritage Council Funding Schemes Page.